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Chances are you’re used the world’s most famous search engine in the last few hours or days. Whenever we have a question about anything having to do with anything, we turn to the Google machine. ...

As someone who has been working from home for the last ten or so years, I’ve become somewhat of an expert at working from home. If you’ve never worked from home before, you might...

You did it. You made it to your senior year of high school. You started out in kindergarten as a kid playing with stickers, coloring pictures, and taking naps. Now you’re a young adult probably...

For a lot of kids, school is such a drag. Waking up in the morning, eating breakfast, and then spending hours sitting in a classroom with teachers who simply just aren’t motivating or learning things...

Your kids aren’t complaining for the sake of complaining. Students across the country all echo the same sentiment about school and learning: School is boring. Like grownups, job satisfaction in adults...