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Chances are you’re used the world’s most famous search engine in the last few hours or days. Whenever we have a question about anything having to do with anything, we turn to the Google machine. ...

I’ve been writing since I was about twelve years old. Because I loved reading so much, taking the leap to writing my own stories came naturally. I wrote practically every single day during summer vacation...

For kids and teens, school can be a source of major source of stress that can weigh on them pretty heavily. They need as much outside support and encouragement as you can give them, especially...

The global pandemic has hurt the world in a number of ways beyond financial and robbing people of their sense of normalcy. As parents struggle financially and do their best to make sure their children...

In my house, and in many homes across the country, I grew up in a two language household. My parents spoke both English and Spanish, and when we mixed the two, we called it Spanglish....